Water pollution comes in various forms and from various sources. Sometimes it comes from a single point source, such as a pipe, Waste Water Treatment Works or factory. Other times it arises from multiple sources of diffuse pollution, which are more varied and that are spread across the landscape.
Water quality is under threat from different types of diffuse pollution, including; contaminated runoff in rural and urban areas, poorly maintained septic tanks, incorrect plumbing in homes and businesses, and increased rainfall which can result in overwhelmed sewage systems.
We’re constantly carrying out work to improve water quality across South Cumbria. Here at SCRT, we are working hard to ensure water quality is taken seriously and improvements are made on the ground; as a delivery organisation, we ensure targeted and direct improvements are being made. We are:
- Advising landowners and farmers in ways to improve agricultural practices, to address chemical use, surface run-off and the erosion of soil
- Raising awareness and educating the public about water quality
- We have produced septic tank guidance for homeowners and businesses to encourage good practice septic tank maintenance.
- We are trialing phosphate removal chambers at certain sites locally to test the viability of this innovative technology and it’s potential use on septic tanks in the future.
- Restoring natural features such as reedbeds and woodlands, that act as natural pollutant filters.
- We continue to control invasive species that can cause increased nutrients and sedimentation in watercourses.
- Funding dependent, we monitor, sample and test specific sites for nutrients and analyse the effects.