
Duddon Rivers Association Newsletter – Out now

23 May, 2024 by Rachael Halhead

The latest Duddon River Association Newsletter is now available, with all the happenings in the Duddon Valley! Invasive Species Control, Upper Duddon Landscape Recovery project updates, peatlands, events…what more could you want. Read all about it here: Duddon River Association Newsletter_Issue 3 Want to know more about the Duddon River Association, follow their socials or read how they link with SCRT here:

Septic tank hotspotting

5 May, 2024 by Rachael Halhead

Last month, the Love Windermere Non-Mains Drainage Group came together to map private sewage systems around Lake Windermere. Private sewage systems include septic tanks, package treatment plants and cesspits. Recent source apportionment data shows these sources contribute to around 20% of the total phosphorus in Lake Windermere. We are now working on an approach to target these areas and assess the outputs before we roll this out across the rest of our catchment areas.  South Cumbria Rivers Trust lead the…

Lower Duddon partnership funding secured

30 April, 2024 by Rachael Halhead

The Lower Duddon catchment has secured funding for environmental work, through a new partnership of South Cumbria Rivers Trust, Sustainable Duddon, Duddon River Association and the South Lakes Red Squirrel Group. The partnership has received £24,000 from Cumberland Council as part of the UK Shared Prosperity Fund & Rural England Prosperity Fund. The partnership aims to develop a baseline measurement in order to establish ‘SMART’ objectives for subsequent interventions. Interventions will be aimed at improving biodiversity, resilience and improving the…

BIG GIVE Green Match Fund success

17 April, 2024 by Rachael Halhead

This year we developed a bid through the Big Give Green Match Fund for our Wild Lakes: Reed Revival Project around Lake Windermere. Running from 18th – 25th April, the Green Match Fund doubled all donations received. This is done through pledged support from Champions, who support global projects of their choosing. We needed to reach a target of £80,000 for the project – which we didn’t quite reach but the public and businesses who pledged support helped us raise…

Electrofishing report

3 April, 2024 by Rachael Halhead

Our 2023 Electrofishing report is now available! Our project officers have been working hard pulling all the information together from the electrofishing surveys completed during summer 2023. The report offers you an insight into what fish species we found in local watercourses. We had fantastic volunteers who join us for these sessions, learning all about local rivers and the species they support. Electrofishing is a monitoring technique we use to assess the abundance and health of fish in our local…

World Wildlife Day

4 March, 2024 by Rachael Halhead

Sunday the 3rd March 2024 was World Wildlife Day! A day dedicated to recognising the roles and contributions of wildlife to people and the planet. Freshwater habitats such as rivers, lakes and ponds are essential for diverse and healthy wildlife ecosystems. The work we do here at SCRT aims to actively improve these habitats for aquatic species such as salmon, trout, otter, kingfishers and more! One project with a heavy focus on these habitats is our involvement in the Upper…

Trout in the Classroom

13 February, 2024 by Rachael Halhead

Sharing stories of why the River Kent is special is key to safeguarding its future. From knowledge comes understanding, helping us act to improve and protect this special river. With this in mind, South Cumbria Rivers Trust are running a pilot project; Trout in the Classroom. What is it? You might not know that we engage with schools but we do so in a variety of ways. Gone are the days of talking with slides. Our presentations are interactive, providing…

Naturalness training successfulness

25 January, 2024 by Rachael Halhead

On Wednesday 24th January, we ran a Discovering Priority Habitats: Naturalness training course at Brathay Hall. Organised through the Windermere Community Partnership, this free course was available to all. Josie from the Freshwater Biological Association ran the training, in partnership with the Natural Capital and Ecosystems Assessment Programme (NCEA) and Natural England. The programme aims to train citizen scientists to head out and survey their local becks, streams, rivers and lakes. The intention is to gather data for the Priority…

LIFE R4Ever Kent

Another year of LIFE R4Ever Kent

17 January, 2024 by Rachael Halhead

We say goodbye to the second year of the LIFE R4Ever Kent Project, with our project officer providing a breakdown of works completed in 2023. The LIFE R4Ever Kent Project started at the end of 2021, with the aim to Restore and Revive the River Kent Special Area of Conservation (SAC). This will allow species and habitats to Recover, making the designated features more Resilient to environmental pressures. The River Kent SAC has a designation for its Ranunculion habitat, Freshwater pearl mussel,…