
The Life Of A South Cumbrian Freshwater Pearl Mussel

11 April, 2017 by Dr Meredith Revill

St Oswald’s, Heron Hill, Langdale and Staveley primary schools have been busy learning about freshwater mussels with our Freshwater Pearl Mussel education team, Biffa Award and Nurture Lakeland. Lots of great artwork has been produced and a mini drama created by the students to celebrate the fantastic lifecycle of freshwater mussels finished off the project.  Now you can watch the film here!

It’s Invasives Week 2017!

28 March, 2017 by Dr Meredith Revill

It’s #InvasivesWeek run by @CheckCleanDryGB! In #Cumbria we love to spend time on, in and around our beautiful lakes and rivers. Whatever activity you enjoy – angling, swimming, boating, diving, walking, biking and paddling, we all have the potential to introduce and spread freshwater Invasive Non-Native Species (INNS). Cumbria is home to some rare and vulnerable native species such as white-clawed crayfish, pearl mussels, vendace, lampreys and Arctic charr. The survival of these species are being threatened by the intoduction…

Metals Sampling

14 March, 2017 by Dr Meredith Revill

As part of our freshwater metals content research, we have taken a series of 20 sediment samples from a number of becks from the top of Little Langdale at Greenburn Reservoir down to Elterwater, and also 5 water samples along the way. The samples are being analysed for metal content to see if the old Greenburn Copper Mine (and all the other mine workings in the valley) are still having an impact on water and sediments downstream – and if…

Redox and equipment maintenance workshop

10 February, 2017 by Dr Meredith Revill

Dr Mike Sturt and Dr Charlotte Hall took part in a really useful workshop on Redox and dissolved oxygen measurements in interstitial river bed sites and equipment maintenance from Juergen Geist & Kathi Stoeckl, hosted by the Freshwater Biological Association, Windermere. This information and great practical experience will be applied to our monitoring work and will provide valuable data and insight into the habitats preferred by the fresh water mussel populations.

‘River Mint Rehabilitation at Spital Farm’

17 January, 2017 by Dr Meredith Revill

Follow our new project ‘River Mint Rehabilitation at Spital Farm’ on @Localgiving We need to raise money for tree planting and we need volunteers!

12 January, 2017 by Dr Meredith Revill

Cumbria has the longest length of Sites of Special Scientific Interest and Special Areas of Conservation rivers in England. Help us protect and improve them, sign up to our newsletter to find out how you can get involved and volunteer and donate if you can here:  Thank you!

Upcycle Your Xmas Tree!

5 January, 2017 by Dr Meredith Revill

Please help SCRT protect eroding river banks with ‘green engineering’ methods using old Christmas trees. This will help create perfect habitats for fish and invertebrates! Whilst tree trunks stabilise the bank the conifers act to reduce erosion and trap silt.  SCRT will be making a collection from 73 Appleby Rd, Kendal, LA9 6ES, please leave trees in drive anytime from now until the collection date on Thurs 19th Jan.  Please DO NOT leave any Christmas trees after this date. “Happy New…

Best wishes from the Kent Catchment Partnership

20 December, 2016 by Dr Meredith Revill

A big “thank you!” to all the volunteers and supporters for all your hard work over the past year: it’s been a successful year for the Kent Catchment Partnership and we’ve definitely started to build a strong foundation to keep delivering over the coming years. There is a lot going on in the Kent at the moment with new projects in the pipeline and developments with the work to deliver catchment wide improvements to flood resilience. We are also considering…

#LocalCharitiesDay #GiveMe5 Xmas gift

15 December, 2016 by Dr Meredith Revill

Friday 16th December! We are happy to be taking part in the first #LocalCharitiesDay and the #GiveMe5 Localgiving campaign.  Please support our vital river restorations, education programmes and citizen science projects by donating here.  We will keep you up to date with all our work, ”Thank You!”

Fascinating Freshwater Mussels!

29 November, 2016 by Dr Meredith Revill

Over the last few weeks St Oswald’s, Heron Hill, Langdale and Staveley primary schools have been busy learning about freshwater mussels with our FWPM education team, Biffa Award and Nurture Lakeland. Lots of great artwork has been produced and a mini drama created by the students to celebrate the fantastic lifecycle of freshwater mussels finished off the project. We are eagerly awaiting the finished film! Follow us here to be the first to see it…..