SCRT events in July!

We continue to organise a range of different events throughout the summer months for you to get involved in! Here are just some of the events we have been busy with the last week..

Fight the Aliens Day – completed

Another year of the Fight the Aliens- Big Balsam Bash took place this weekend, with volunteers joining SCRT and Friends of the Lake District to do a large scale balsam bash. ‘Balsam Bashing’ refers to pulling Himalayan Balsam, an invasive non-native species, from the ground to stop it spreading. And guess what? We have more events coming up in August and September!

Riverfly training  – completed

Our 2022 riverfly training courses have now finished, with volunteers learning about how to survey assess river health. We will be running more courses next year, so please let us know if you wish to volunteer with us. You can find out more information about what riverfly is and past results here.


Don’t forget, we have a fundraising event for SCRT coming up this weekend. You can walk with us across the beautiful Leven Estuary to Chapel Island, all to help raise money for the work we do. See our events page for more information.

Electrofishing coming up…

Have you tried Electofishing? It is a technique we use to assess the density, health and species of fish in our becks and rivers and we need your help to catch them. We will be uploading some events this week, so watch this space!