Riverfly Results

Welcome to our new riverfly system, enabling you to view and submit results from our riverfly monitoring scheme. We have been undertaken riverfly surveys here in South Cumbria since 2009 (thanks to our fantastic volunteers!) and we are in the process of uploading our historic data to this site.  All results will continue to  be shared with the national riverfly partnership.
Interpreting the riverfly results
Each riverfly survey will give total score for the site, this is based on abundance categories for each of the 8 riverfly groups sampled for. If the total score falls below the trigger level this can suggest a pollution event which is followed up via the appropriate protocol. Please note, riverfly surveys are relatively high level and cannot provide direct information about diversity or abundance but do provide a good indication of any potential reductions in water quality.
If you would like to find out more about riverfly surveys, including how to become a riverfly volunteer please click here.
If you are an existing volunteer and would like to submit your results please use the link below:

Submit Results