New Project Officer appointed

Meet our new project officer, Emma Wright, who started with SCRT just before the Christmas period. 

Emma has been appointed to work on the new and exciting LIFE R4Ever Kent Project, that plans to restore and revive the River Kent (SSSI/SAC) helping species recover, making the designated features more resilient to environmental pressures.

The River Kent is designated for its Ranunculion habitat (aka water-crowfoot; a freshwater plant), freshwater pearl mussel, bullhead and white clawed crayfish. It is also however, impacted by issues including water quality, siltation, physical modification and invasive alien species, all of which have led to a decline in native species condition and extent.

This will be a 5-year programme of investigations and practical works that will contribute to improving the River Kent SSSI and SAC rivers in south Cumbria.

You can find out more about Emma and her background here.

LIFE is an EU-funded programme aimed at the protection and restoration of Europe’s nature, and halting and reversing biodiversity loss. LIFE supports achieving the objectives of the EU’s biodiversity strategy for 2030 and is part of the EU Green Deal. LIFE funds the development and management of the Natura 2000 network which protects over 18 % of the EU’s land area and more than 8 % of its marine territory.