CaST Coppicing Day – Grubbins Point (Lake Windermere)

When: 13th March 2023, 10am-1pm
Where: Grubbins Point, Graythwaite Estate (Please see map below – you may park on the track and walk down to the site)
Co-ordinates: 54.311975, -2.964720
what3words: ///bake.vegetable.pacifist

SCRT are looking for volunteers to help with coppicing at Grubbins Point. SCRT have teamed up with Graythwaite Estate, as part of our ongoing CaST project, to enhance and create a new area of reedbed at Grubbins point.
Trees growing above reedbeds can cause them to decline due to overshading. The area where the reedbed will be created is heavily shaded, limiting the ability for the exiting patches of reedbed to expand and reconnect.
Volunteers are needed to cut back trees on the lake shore to increase sunlight to the existing reedbed. Equipment and PPE will be provided, however please bring suitable footwear (wellies or waders are advised – SCRT may be able to provide these if required), and wear weather appropriate clothing. Please also bring a drink and a snack or lunch with you.
If you are interested in coming along, please contact Hannah Teagle: