Get rid of impurities, with bio-security training.

Bekka, our Cumbria Freshwater Invasive Non-Native Species Officer (CFINNS) has been over to Yorkshire to lead some training on implementing bio-security at events.

There were approx. eight different organisations that attended the workshop, discussing; application of bio-security, risk assessments, examples and then a site visit in the afternoon to Thurscross Reservoir for practical examples.

The workshop allowed for a lot of discussion between organisations, focusing on;

  1. Training event organisers how to deliver biosecurity measures with focus on defining responsibility early.
  2. Potential ‘hubs’ of biosecurity cleaning station equipment.
  3. It is often underestimated the amount of time and effort it can be to arrange biosecurity measures, so it is important for all involved that it is enforced to ensure event/site effectiveness.

CFINNS is a a collaborative project currently funded by the Environment Agency, Natural England and DEFRA.
It is a pilot for a county-wide, multi-catchment project for freshwater and riparian invasive non-native species (INNS). The Initiative’s vision is to achieve a sustainable county-wide management framework that will prevent the introduction of, or detect, control and/or eradicate specified INNS throughout Cumbria.

For more information about invasive non-native species, please visit the website, specifically designed for all things invasive: