Kent Catchment Partnership – Balsam Report 2021

Every year ‘Balsam Bashes’ are organised by volunteers and members of the Kent Catchment Partnership.

Himalayan Balsam (HB) is a fast growing invasive non-native species that can be found in many areas around the country. HB specifically loves to grow around rivers and lakes and can spread rapidly choking out native species that can then cause erosion and habitat loss.

One positive thing about Balsam, unlike other invasive species, is that it can be pulled out during certain months of the year.

Here at SCRT we attempt to control the spread and eradicate the infestation of invasive non-native species, either through organising spraying by specialist contractors or supporting volunteer groups to go Balsam Bashing!

The Kent Catchment Partnership through hard work, monitoring and repeat visits over many years have really started to tackle the HB around the River Kent area.

Take a look at the Kent Catchment Balsam Control report 2021 for further information.