South Cumbria Rivers Trust with support from the Kent Catchment Partnership, a local community group, are holding a drop in event at Kendal Town Hall on Saturday 29th July from 9am – 12pm.
Please come along to the drop in event to find out more about a large scale catchment wide project for which the group are seeking funding. There will be interactive displays, a chance to speak to the team and opportunities to share your ideas. Help us celebrate this wonderful river!
We are also asking people to bring along photos, both old and new, to help document and celebrate the heritage of the area and the current values people hold. Please email copies to jayne@scrt.co.uk with a short description.
For more information please visit the Becks to Bay news pages or get in touch.
What do you love about the River Kent?
We would love to know what you value and enjoy about the Kent Catchment, please send your comments in via our forum on Becks to Bay and have these added to our word cloud below.