SCRT statement regarding our position to work collaboratively with all who demonstrate commitment to improving the aquatic environment of south Cumbria.

At South Cumbria Rivers Trust, our work is led first and foremost by meeting the stated Aims and Objectives of our charity ( We recognise that to do so, effective collaboration with partner organisations is essential to achieving our shared goals of safeguarding and enhancing river and lake ecosystems. We understand that partner organisations may sometimes have differing priorities, but we firmly believe that through open dialogue, mutual respect, and a commitment to finding common ground, we can address these conflicts and work towards sustainable solutions for our watercourses.

Our approach to working with partner organisations with potentially conflicting interests is rooted in the following principles:

  1. Transparency and Communication: We foster open and transparent communication with all our partners. By maintaining regular dialogue, we can identify areas of disagreement and explore opportunities for compromise or consensus-building.
  2. Shared Values and Objectives: Despite potential differences, we strive to identify shared values and long-term objectives. By emphasising these common goals, we can align our efforts and focus on mutually beneficial outcomes for our water environment.
  3. Science and Data-Driven Decision Making: Our approach is guided by scientific evidence and data. We rely on robust research and monitoring to inform our strategies, which provide an evidence backed basis for discussions.
  4. Adaptive Management: Recognising the dynamic nature of river and lake ecosystems, we embrace adaptive management. This approach allows us to continuously reassess and adjust our strategies based on new information and changing circumstances, making it easier to accommodate different perspectives.
  5. Inclusive Stakeholder Engagement: We actively encourage a diverse range of stakeholders, including community members, businesses, government agencies, water companies and other interest groups. Inclusive participation ensures that multiple perspectives are considered and leads to better-informed decisions.
  6. Compromise and Collaboration: We understand that in some cases, a complete alignment of interests might not be possible. In these situations, and only where we can continue to meet our charitable Aims and Objectives, we will attempt to seek compromise solutions that address the core concerns of all parties involved. We will work with all who demonstrate a commitment to improving water quality and the habitats and species that rely upon it.

By adhering to these principles, South Cumbria Rivers Trust aims to build strong partnerships that transcend conflicting interests, foster collaboration, and achieve lasting positive impacts on our rivers and lakes and the communities they support. We believe that by working together, we can create a better future for our waterways and the ecosystems they sustain.